Let out-file ( word "example_view_export_" unique-id "_.rpc.UnavailableException: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNAVAILABLEĪt .(ApiExceptionFactory.java:67)Īt .(GrpcApiExceptionFactory.java:72)Īt .(GrpcApiExceptionFactory.java:60)Īt .grpc.GrpcExceptionCallable$ExceptionTransformingFuture.onFailure(GrpcExceptionCallable.java:97)Īt .ApiFutures$1.onFailure(ApiFutures.java:68)Īt .concurrent.Futures$n(Futures.java:1387)Īt .concurrent.MoreExecutors$DirectExecutor.execute(MoreExecutors.java:398)Īt .(AbstractFuture.java:1015)Īt .(AbstractFuture.java:672)Īt .(ForwardingListenableFuture.java:45)Īt .ApiFutureToListenableFuture.addListener(ApiFutureToListenableFuture.java:52)Īt .(Futures.java:1368)Īt .ApiFutures.addCallback(ApiFutures.java:63)Īt .(GrpcExceptionCallable.java:67)Īt .(AttemptCallable.java:87)Īt .concurrent.TrustedListenableFutureTask$nInterruptibly(TrustedListenableFutureTask.java:125)Īt .(InterruptibleTask.java:57)Īt .(TrustedListenableFutureTask.java:78)Īt $RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511)Īt .run(FutureTask.java:266)Īt $ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:180)Īt $n(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:293)Īt .runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)Īt $n(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617) If random-float 1 < 0.1 and of patch-here = profile [Īsk patch-here As it stands, the code you supplied is way more than what’s actually needed for the question itself, which for me would boil down to: “How do I change the file name for multiple experiments / simulations?” This question has been answered before in different ways that may suit your needs– if the code example below does not clear things up, have a look through those other questions and keep in mind the “Search and Research” component of the How To Ask help page.įor a standalone example, that is really just a refinement of Charles’ answer in the first link above: I’d recommend having a really solid crack at trying to follow the guidelines above whenever you post a question. It makes it more likely that you will solve the issue yourself, or at the very least will help you better understand where the problem is coming from.It makes your code more readable and therefore makes you more likely to get a useful answer, since other users on this site will have an easier time understanding the problem if they don’t have to also try and understand what part of the code is unrelated to the actual problem.This will help in (at least) two major ways: When you are supplying code, it is recommended that you start from scratch rather than trying to pare down your existing model (see How to Ask and How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example). If anyone can help me I would be very grateful 🙂 I thought that using foreach and carefully I could generate the files. And what I would like is to generate 1 file in. png file and generates the results in that single file (“overwriting”). I tried to use a foreach to export the image to each profile, but what happens is that opens a single. Then I would export an image to the profile of turtle 2 etc… until I get to the profile of turtle 16 that can only spawn in habitatcovers 4 and 5. So for the turtle profile 1 you would have a white exported image with the patches (patch 15 -4), (patch 14 -8), (patch 12 -5) and (patch 17 -1) painted magenta.

I would like for example to export an image for each of the 16 turtle profiles.įor example, turtle profile 1 (can only born and hatch in habitatcover 1), so:Īt tick 0, the world started with: 1 turtle no (patch 15 -4),Īt tick 1, there are 2 turtles in patches (patch 15 -4) and (patch 14 -8) andĪt tick 2, there are 4 turtles in patches (patch 15 -4), (patch 14 -8), (patch 12 -5) and (patch 17 -1).

I have 16 turtle profiles (see ValidHabs). However, I still haven’t managed to generate the images by turtle profile. I greatly appreciate Luke C’s help, as I managed to implement part of what I want. I got help from this link: How to export the world of NetLogo 6.2 coloring only the patches that were born turtles? I’m trying to implement an output which is an export from the View.